Taxonomy of Players

Based upon the Bartle Taxonomy of Player Types. Give this personality test a try and see how you rate.

Crusader Knight Looks Back

Back in 1996, Richard Bartle, took a crack at describing the phenomenon of the MUD (Multi-User Dungeon). It was online multi-user gaming with roots clear back to the late 1970's and led us to the penoply of MMO games we have available today. Originally all multi-player universes were simply open-worlds.

A researcher of virtual worlds, Bartle wrote many papers on the concept. He wrote one of the first books on the subject. Of interest here is his studies regarding the classification of players in a virtual world of adventure and how game worlds may need to be designed to fit those player personalities.

Later on the Bartles Test became a fun method of classifying player types of multiplayer online games (including MUDs and MMORPGs) into very general categories. His taxonomy developed the concepts of four player types: Achiever, Explorer, Socializer, and Killer. It does not take into account other obvious categories I think should be added such as: Builder, Crafter, Collector, Puzzler, Griefer. But that is probably because those playstyles had not yet been discovered in multiplayer environments. As the game industry turns out new ways for us to play and experience virtual worlds it may in turn help us discover more about ourselves and what makes us happy.

NOTE: I replaced the term "Killer" with "Fighter" just to make the results a little more politically sensitive.

Bartles created a survey to try to identify those four playstyles and what made those players interested in the virtual worlds they were within. I have reproduced it from his dataset below so you can try it out yourself within the scope of his test. Simply answer the 32 multiple choice questions below and press the button on the bottom of the page to tabulate your results.

0. Are you more comfortable, as a player?

1. Which is more enjoyable to you?

2. Which do you enjoy more in quests?

3. Which would you rather be noticed for in an online game?

4. Which do you enjoy more in an online game?

5. Which would you rather have, as a player in an online game?

6. Which would you enjoy more as an online game player?

7. What is more important in an online game to you?

8. What is more important to you?

9. You are a player in an online game, and you want to fight a really tough dragon. How would you approach this problem?

10. You are being chased by a monster in a game

11. You are a player in an online game, and about to go into an unknown dungeon. You have your choice of one more person for your party. Do you bring:

12. Would you rather

13. Which is more exciting?

14. Which would you enjoy more?

15. Is it better to be:

16. Would you rather:

17. In an online game, a new area opens up. Which do you look forward to more?

18. In an online game, would you rather be known as:

19. Would you rather:

20. Do you tend to:

21. Which would you rather do:

22. In an online game, would rather join a clan of:

23. Would you rather win:

24. If you are alone in an area, do you think:

25. You learn that another player is planning your demise. Do you:

26. You meet a new player. Do you think of them as:

27. In an online game, would you rather:

28. In an online game, would you be more prone to brag about:

29. Would you rather have:

30. Would you rather receive as a quest reward:

31. When playing a video game, is it more fun to:








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Twitch Streamer: RandoSigma

Twitch content creator for fun and entertainment. Mostly raw streaming for raw material to use for video editing.

Youtube Channel: Underglimmer

Underglimmer is RandoSigma's Youtube Channel. Rando attempts to curate ideal topical playlists and will be creating subject related content.

Wiki: Bartle Taxonomy of Player Types

Bartle, Richard: Wikipedia

Designing Virtual Worlds

Bartle, Richard. Designing Virtual Worlds New Riders; 1 edition (July 25, 2003).

Bartle's Taxonomy - What Type of Player are You?

Extra Credits - Youtube Bartle's Taxonomy - What Type of Player are You? 6m25s (Posted: Oct 14, 2016)