What Is Rando?

It is indeed the case that the “speed of light” is the result of a refresh rate of the universe. ... When you look at the star Regulus, photons emitted from the star are absorbed by light-sensitive proteins in your retina (on Rod and Cone cells).
-- William Brown

Stradius aka RandoSigma
[A:08 E:15 S:09 F:00]

Reality is revealed by photons pulsing at the frequency of at least 30THz (that's 30,000,000,000,000hz) ... so yes our brains are missing some of the details every moment of our lives. Your brain can only process snapshots of sound and images in (at the best of times) 60 frames per second. Your brain must "fill in the blanks" by smoothing over the gaps in your awareness. So it is not a vast stretch for you to apply the same skills when experiencing interactive entertainment. The refresh rate of your computer monitor may be 60hz or 144hz. Computer games require us to stretch even further than real life with our imaginations.

Personally, these days (written in 2020), computer gaming is one of my coping mechanisms and I've found a good Open World experience is like a staycation. I do not want it to be work. But I also want it to be something I can do on a regular basis. That's why I started this site and am streaming gameplay. I will not rush but I will try to make whatever I place here worthwhile for you to see.

There are many good reasons to make gaming, especially with friends, a regular weekly activity including: social health, and most recently the COVID-19 affair has made many of us home-based. There's no time to waste on games that are short-lived follies. Which is why I felt the concept of Open World Gaming was worth a deeper dive.

Just watching pictures or videos of a game environment cannot give you enough information to know how the game feels. You must experience it to know how you feel about it. Gaming experiences are evolving. Examples of new player experiences can be categorized as: Survivor, Crafter, Builder, and more are coming. The Taxonomy of Play is evolving and growing. Play is getting closer to immersive simulation. Engagement in Open Worlds is starting to demand more involvement from players. They are getting closer to our in activities that mirror authenticity just like real-life (RL). Open Worlds are hinting at what's possible with VR technology scratching the surface of immersion.

I'm making this effort because I feel the entertainment industry is at a cross-roads. The historically over-looked over-worked dand under-appreciated creative industry that pour their hearts into their creations deserve MORE APPRECIATION. Many of these Open Worlds are so vast that the experiences are lost to those who focus only on the mechanics of the gameplay or technical challenges that interfere with their experiences.

My intention is to make everything I post meaningful, include a publish date (so you know how old this is), and include bibliography of researched information. I may remain an alias but there is a real person behind my character image.

If you've read this far into my site, thanks! I hope I can make your time worthwhile in my future postings. Please do visit my Twitch and Youtube Channels. I welcome your company on this journey.


Twitch Streamer: RandoSigma

Twitch content creator for fun and entertainment. Mostly raw streaming for raw material to use for video editing.

Youtube Channel: Underglimmer

Underglimmer is RandoSigma's Youtube Channel. Rando attempts to curate ideal topical playlists and will be creating subject related content.

William Brown

William Brown: Resonance Science Organization

Wiki: Speed of light

Speed of light: Wiki Article

Article Publisher: PC Gamer Magazine

"How many frames per second can the human eye really see?" By Alex Wiltshire January 19, 2017